Mattel and Netflix seem to be continuing a trend of questionable decisions with their Masters of the Universe projects. This comes after two Netflix animated shows that generated mixed responses, especially from longtime fans of the Masters of the Universe brand. Is Allen a good fit for the most powerful man in the universe and defender of Castle Grayskull? Check out the details below.

Good fit for He-Man?

The first live action Masters of the Universe movie was produced in 1987 by the now-defunct Cannon Films. The film was notorious for its problems, not the least of which being relatively low budget, incoherent script, setting the adventure mostly on Earth, and having little resemblance to the characters from the mega-popular toyline and Filmation animated series.

— He-Man and The Masters of the Universe ⚔️ (@TheHeManMovie) January 28, 2022 1987’s Masters of the Universe live action film was by no stretch a work of art (or even a financially successful effort), but it has gained cult film status. And despite the movie’s flaws, many fans found Dolph Lundgren (Aquaman and the Lost Continent) to be as perfect as casting can be in the role of the muscle-bound hero for the time the film was made. Frank Langella as Skeletor is also fondly remembered for his scene-chewing and deliberately hammy acting in his portrayal of the skull-faced villain. A new live action Masters of the Universe film that would be more loyal to the source material has long been rumored and planned in Hollywood. As early as the mid-1990s, speculations of either a sequel or a complete reboot circulated in the industry, with big names such as Brad Pitt taking on the dual role of Prince Adam and He-Man, especially after his portrayal of Achilles in Troy (2004). Sony Pictures was the most recent production outfit to be attached to the movie before Netflix picked up the reins. With the news of Kyle Allen being cast as the lead for a renewed Masters of the Universe live action film, some fans have aired everything from disapproval of casting Kyle Allen to outright comparison to Lundgren.

— BadassJacob (@BadassJacob) January 28, 2022

— RSCLE5 (@RSCLE5) January 28, 2022

— Troy T Thomas (@Springfield1225) February 6, 2022

I’ve got a bad feeling about this… #HeMan — Jakejames Lugo (@jakejameslugo) January 28, 2022 Much of the negative reactions have been in reference to Kyle Allen’s physical attributes. Allen is only 5'8" (1.73m) tall and has a lean build. This is a far cry from Dolph Lundgren’s 6'5" (1.96m) and muscular frame that towers over mere mortals. There are also comments about how young Allen looks, though the actor is actually in his late 20s. Could Allen be playing only Prince Adam and the He-Man role is yet to actually be cast? Or could he be playing the dual roles? If it is the latter, the actor will have to undergo massive physical bulking up. A muscle suit might be a possibility, but there is only so much this can convincingly add. Another option would be a mostly or completely CGI He-Man, as in the case of Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and The Hulk in the MCU films, or Ryan Reynolds having his face digitized over a body double (bodybuilder Aaron Reed) in Free Guy.

Repeating the same mistakes?

Allen’s casting seems to be an echo of how Prince Adam was portrayed in the two Netflix animated series, particularly Masters of the Universe: Revelation which was directed by Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob). In Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Prince Adam was not a mirror image of He-Man (as in the case of the original toys and the Filmation cartoon) with a different hair, tanned skin, and a more imposing set of clothes. Instead, the Prince of Eternia was portrayed as younger and with a slim physique. A far contrast when transformed into the muscular bulk of He-Man after summoning the power of Grayskull. In the interview with Deadline, Mattel Films executive producer Robbie Brenner, had this to say about the live action Masters of the Universe film for Netflix: In addition, the film’s producers Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Steve Tisch shared their thoughts about how the new Masters of the Universe will be a fulfillment of plans years in the making: While the specifics of the film so far are sparse, there is a brief description that surfaced, and again fans are raising their eyebrows for the apparent treatment the Masters of the Universe film is heading: Making Adam an orphan and apparently amnesiac is another instance of departing from the status quo that fans are familiar with. This also generated speculation that the new film will be committing the same mistake of the 1987 movie: that of setting the story on Earth. While this would make it more cost-effective, it is one of the sour points that led to the failure of the original live action movie. This is not an unfounded speculation. And while it can work sometimes (proven as recently as the Sonic The Hedgehog film), setting the new Masters of the Universe live action movie in a contemporary Earth setting left a bad taste in fandom’s mouths. Why do it again? Fans have been looking forward to seeing Eternia and its iconic locations such as Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain to be fully realized. If it will really be set on Earth again for most of the movie, they might be disappointed once again. Netflix’s Masters of the Universe live action film begins production this summer 2022, with an official release date to be announced later on.  Masters of the Universe Animated and Masters of the Universe: Revelation are both currently available for streaming.

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